Sono un ricercatore indipendente, collaboro con Università ed aziende private per la ricerca e lo sviluppo di soluzioni innovative per la liuteria, i miei campi di interesse sono:
- Applicazioni della tomografia industriale alla liuteria
- Scansione ottica 3D in luce strutturata
- Analisi modale degli strumenti ad arco e dei loro componenti
- Analisi dello spettro in frequenza della pressione sonora (interna ed esterna allo strumento)
- Misura delle proprietà del materiale
Di Bella, A., Piasentini, F., & Zecchin, R. (2002). Violin Top Wood Qualification: Influence of Growth Ring Distance on Acoustical Properties of Red Spruce. CAS Journal, 4(6), 22–25. pdf
Piasentini, F., & Scanavini, A. (2014). Micro Computed X-Ray Tomography Applied To Bowed Stringed Instruments. In Multidisciplinary approach to wooden musical instrument identification (Vol. 6, pp. 6–7). extended abstract poster
Piasentini, F., Scanavini, A., Carmignato, S., & Rigodanza, M. (2016). Evaluating the Use of Industrial X-Ray Ct for the Reverse Engineering of Bowed Stringed Instruments. In Making wooden musical instruments An integration of different forms of knowledge (pp. 137–141). Barcelona. pdf
Cassutti, A., & Piasentini, F. (2017). CNC Milling Wood Patches in String Instruments Restoration. In Preservation of Wooden Musical Instruments. Ethics, Practice and Assessment. (pp. 97–100). Brussels. pdf
Piasentini, F., & Moscatti, M. (2017). Assessing Musical Instruments Conditions Before and After Restoration Using Industrial X-Ray Ct ( iCT ). In Preservation of Wooden Musical Instruments. Ethics, Practice and Assessment. (pp. 153–156). Brussels. pdf
Piasentini, F. (2017). The “Pastry bag” approach to making plaster casts. The Strad, November 2017, vol. 128 (1531), 68–70.