Violins and light
Violins and light from Francesco Piasentini on Vimeo.
Micro Computed Tomography can provide amazing insights of objects.
Violins are wonderful even when observed through X-ray light.
Violins and light from Francesco Piasentini on Vimeo.
Micro Computed Tomography can provide amazing insights of objects.
Violins are wonderful even when observed through X-ray light.
Cremona – Multidisciplinary Approach to Wooden Musical Instruments Identification
In occasione della conferenza di Cremona del progetto WoodmusiCK (azione COST FP 1302) sono stati presentati i primi risultati dell’applicazione della microtomografia alla diagnostica ed il rilievo dimensionale negli strumenti ad arco, con un poster del titolo “Microcomputed X-ray Tomography applied to Bowed stringed instruments”.
A slideshow of a violin pegox microCT, rendered in 3D. It shows the potentiality of industrial MicroCT in diagnostics of wormholes, previous reparations and cracks in violin restoration.